Introduction to social media marketing

At, our goal is to increase your website’s traffic, and we’ve got a lot of ways to approach that job. One of the most popular forms of online marketing in 2020 is through social media, and when utilized correctly, this approach can provide a lot of great benefits:

  • Reach users where they are
  • Showcase products and services
  • Promote potentially viral content
  • Earn backlinks and referrals from fans

On the other hand, it’s also important to approach social media marketing with care and caution. A poorly executed campaign can also cause big problems:

  • Excessive self promotion marked as spam
  • Social controversies
  • Dead social channels

Let’s take a look at exactly what social media marketing is and entails, then we’ll talk just a little about how approaches it.

What is social media?

Social media refers, in general, to websites that are designed to incorporate user input and social activity. More specifically, the term refers to social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, and others.

These sites allow users to create a profile, submit their own content, and interact with other users’ content through sharing, comments, and likes.

In other words, social media websites are primarily run by the users of the site, and the reach of your message is proportionate to how many followers the account has – as well as how active and engaged those followers are.

Benefits of social media marketing

The most obvious benefit of social marketing is the potential size of your audience. A well curated social media account can attract thousands of followers who will see your message. Popular content gets shared – not just on the social media platform itself, but also on the blogs and other social profiles of engaged followers.

In addition to the direct traffic, this can also be a source of earned backlinks that’s less risky than soliciting them or trying to build links from scratch.

There’s an even more important aspect to social media marketing that a lot of firms overlook: Social media is a great opportunity to listen to your customers. It’s a great place to answer questions about your company, product, and services, and it’s a great place to hear the concerns and complaints of your customers. Just don’t lose your temper! Criticism can be hard to take, but it’s also incredibly valuable for making improvements to something.

Risks of social media marketing

The biggest risk, of course, is saying something controversial. While some brands embrace controversy as a means of marketing themselves, many others have unintentionally wandered in to heated political debates or alienated large parts of their potential audience. Political awareness can be pretty important.

The most common problem people encounter with social media marketing is that building an audience requires some work. Just because Twitter has millions of users doesn’t mean they’re all going to see your posts. In fact, without a following, no one will see them at all!

So it’s important to understand social media isn’t a magic bullet that automatically creates viral traffic. It’s a process that requires investment, vigilance, and care.

Social media marketing with

Here’s how we look at it: When you hire us to manage your social media campaign, we’re going to get to work building up the largest and most active following we possibly can.

We’re going to focus on producing content with a high possibility of going viral, and we’re going to diversify the social media account so it isn’t just self promotion 24/7. By helping to promote friends and followers and other leaders in the field, we can establish trust and authority within the topic.

Most of all, we know how to steer clear of controversy; political or otherwise. Unless that’s your goal, of course! With years of experience working in politics and public relations, we know that any form of marketing requires a specifically crafted brand identity that promotes the brand’s culture.

With confidence that your efforts won’t backfire, there’s no reason to wait! The sooner your social media campaign launches, the sooner it will be delivering results.