Author Archives: John

Our SEO process

Search engine rankings can be influenced by hundreds of different variables – and that means search engine optimization (SEO) can be a complex task to undertake. While many IT and technology companies perform their own SEO in-house, it often makes sense for other businesses to contract the task out to someone who specializes in digital

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Internet marketing is more essential than ever

Most, if not all, businesses in Jacksonville have suffered tremendously from the social distancing and stay at home orders required to contain the coronavirus pandemic. With Mayor Curry and Governor DeSantis issuing safer-at-home and then stay-at-home orders, traffic and sales have progressively dwindled to a trickle. Many businesses providing non-essential goods and services are being

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Introduction to Search Engines and SEO

If you’ve heard that you need an SEO to help with your online marketing efforts, you may be wondering exactly what that is and how it can assist your web publishing goals. While the details and technical jargon can become quite complex very quickly, the basic idea is that an SEO is a computer technology

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What is SEO?

In general, SEO is a shorthand term for “Search engine optimization.” At the most basic level, it involves analyzing website code, internal linking structures, and URLs for the purpose of making a website more accessible to search engine spiders and web crawlers. The ultimate goal of any SEO campaign is to increase website traffic for

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